Once again, it seems like a shipment of some kind has come in: the people from Red Hook are here, loitering in front of 2xx with two double-parked cars. Calls to the 76 result in ... well, eventually the crowd dispersed and the rest of the night Friday night and Saturday night involved only minor incidents. There were many photo ops, however -
Nothing illegal here, but the guy with back turned is one of the suspected movers-and-shakers; the other man is a regular resident.
And this, another glassine bag, which wasn't here the last time we looked:
Double-parked, idling cars with booming stereo - all night, different cars....
And a group in front of the idling cars....
Interesting story, too: we were talking with a friend of a friend and it was mentioned that we live on the 200 block of Sackett Street, and this person, who lives in the neighborhood but not on the block, knew all about it - apparently, it's a block with a reputation, a reputation for revelry. According to the friend of a friend, "Yeah, it's a weird block. Noboby ever seems to work, everybody just hangs out all day and night smoking pot on other people's stoops."