Today, as it happens, warrants two posts (and a call to the Councilwoman and the local Community Board tomorrow).
So, we were out and about and walked past 2xx, where the local ruffians were gathered, not smoking blunts at the time but since that is what normally goes on you can put two and two together, when a resident of 2xx came up and double-parked her car while she unloaded luggage after, it seemed, a weekend away, and she asked the hoodlums to move and one of the stoopers, the girl who threw things at us once upon a time, the one who has screamed at people randomly, who does live at 2xx also, started screaming at the woman who'd asked them to move.
The screaming continued for over twenty minutes, and an NYPD cruiser passed by but the lady who'd asked them to move had moved inside, and the cruiser just passed by.
We called again to complain that at least they should have gotten out of the car and assessed the situation, and perhaps ask those who do NOT live at 2xx to move, and after a circuitous conversation we talked to a Supervisor and she said she'd send another car over. To their credit, this is exactly what happened, but as of now the stoopers who violently yelled at the resident are still out there, passing marijuana cigarettes.