Recently, the problem has escalated, and every time K. and her cronies have been involved. Every night this week they have been out, on and off, till all hours. Tonight, repeated calls to the 76 have been met with silence; when pressed to give an explanation, despite reports of marijuana smoking, we were told "oh, but tonight we only have one car. We're very busy."
Too busy, it seems, to deal with marijuana smoking on Sackett Street.
Too busy, it seems, to deal with marijuana smoking on Sackett Street.
Early afternoon, we caught K. and her friend - both of whom assaulted/menaced us before - smoking a blunt on the 219 stoop ... in broad daylight: loitering, trespassing, and possession of marijuana in the fifth degree.
Photos aren't that clear, or the video either, but in our experience you don't hold a cigarette like this or pass it back and forth, unless it's a marijuana cigarette. One of the pics even has a passing family, mother pushing a stroller, while the blunt's passed.
Oh, and all this time, K.'s mom was out tending to her duties as the super at 213.

Photos aren't that clear, or the video either, but in our experience you don't hold a cigarette like this or pass it back and forth, unless it's a marijuana cigarette. One of the pics even has a passing family, mother pushing a stroller, while the blunt's passed.
Oh, and all this time, K.'s mom was out tending to her duties as the super at 213.

If anyone lives in the neighborhood, or for that matter in any other Brooklyn 'hood, and has similar issues and/or would like to report other occurrences of stoop-side infractions, please email sackettststoopers@gmail.com
We are still keeping this blog in the hopes of stopping this problem once and for all.
We are still keeping this blog in the hopes of stopping this problem once and for all.
Still spliffin' after all these weeks: over the weekend, K. and company were out down the way at 217 tresspassing and smoking blunts; calls to the 76 were not responded to, despite the fact that smoking marijuana in public is a crime.
In other blunts-in-Brooklyn news: 222 was lit up at night, as well.
In other blunts-in-Brooklyn news: 222 was lit up at night, as well.

Repeat of last night: neighboring dealer tresspassing on our stoop; either he can't read our NO TRESSPASSING NO LOITERING sign or he is in flagrant and menacing violation of it.
Now, why would we care?
He is one of the people who continuously threatens and harasses us; sexually harasses every woman, as well. And his living so near, and being so at home on our stoop, troubles us and our neighbors.
Now, why would we care?
He is one of the people who continuously threatens and harasses us; sexually harasses every woman, as well. And his living so near, and being so at home on our stoop, troubles us and our neighbors.
So, last night we were about to retire for the night when we heard an unwelcome hustle-and-bustle right outside. And we go to the windows and, voila, we see one of our friendly neighborhood dealers who sits on our stoop though his stoop is mere feet away, crowding the doorway and smoking (what, we couldn't tell from the angle) with some smarmily dressed friends, while a Suburban idled, double-parked outfront.
This, despite our NO TRESSPASSING sign.
This, despite our NO TRESSPASSING sign.
Well, for a while last night 213 was abuzz just like in the old days, with a small cadre of delinquents passing around joints; then, just when the 76 responded, swiftly but not at all stealthily, the offenders disbanded, with K. ducking into 213 just in time for the NYPD cruiser to drive past without being able to investigate the situation.
Another day, another deal...
We were startled, late last night, to hear a loud commotion, so we went to the window only to see someone running down the block, basically collapsing on a stoop, at which point one of the local dealers ran across the street, handed this person something, before both parties ran off in their respective directions.

It's nice to know, even if all seems good and well, it's really not.

It's nice to know, even if all seems good and well, it's really not.
Well, today started like it used to be 24/7 around these parts - K., one of the locals who has menaced us personally, and is always out there smoking blunts at all hours, was out there this morning at 10 am ... that's right: 10 am, speaking of odd hours ... rolling a blunt and smoking it, while kids and elderly passed by.
It's been relatively quiet around here this past week - either they've been patrolling, as promised, or the word's out - and just the sudden disappearance of everything and everyone has made us that much more confident what really was/is going on around here on the block - e.g., dealing.

They were out there, double-parked like that and drinking a 40, for over an hour; don't know if a patrol came, but probably not as we saw them again this morning (no 40).

They were out there, double-parked like that and drinking a 40, for over an hour; don't know if a patrol came, but probably not as we saw them again this morning (no 40).
A brief respite, but last night, 213 was abuzz for a few hours with the usual suspects drinking, it seemed, from the way they were guzzling, alcohol in water bottles, and passing reefers back and forth; not sure if the call to 311 cleared them out, or if they just left.
And later, we witnessed our first full-on drug deal--we've seen it before, knew it was around, but last night we saw the long-haired dealer on our block at 2xx reach in grab a hand-held package, saw the package clearly in the glow from the streetlights, then the dealer go to a car idling in the fire hydrant and reach in through the window, do the deal, then get in the passenger-side and smoke up. Later still, we saw the same dealer go around the block in another car, then was dropped off in a fancy never-seen-it-before-last-week-but-seen-it-four-times-since Hummer.
And later, we witnessed our first full-on drug deal--we've seen it before, knew it was around, but last night we saw the long-haired dealer on our block at 2xx reach in grab a hand-held package, saw the package clearly in the glow from the streetlights, then the dealer go to a car idling in the fire hydrant and reach in through the window, do the deal, then get in the passenger-side and smoke up. Later still, we saw the same dealer go around the block in another car, then was dropped off in a fancy never-seen-it-before-last-week-but-seen-it-four-times-since Hummer.
9.12.07 (Incident 1)
We were harrassed and threatened at our residence by some people who were hanging out on our stoop for hours, after being asked to move and not move. Turned out, the cops were called, stoop cleared, but the same people who threatened us were out down the block till well past 2 a.m., when we finally retired - and the next morning, cop cars were stationed around the block at the residence of some of these offenders.
(Due to privacy issues, further details will have to be requested.)
(Due to privacy issues, further details will have to be requested.)
9.12.07 (Incident 2)
Screaming coming from 236 on two separate occassions, once around 10 and then again later, after midnight. The second time, two cruisers and one bus (a van, really) respond and two cops are speaking with one of the residents of 236, while two others talk to another resident.
We are not sure whether arrests were made, or if anything came of it--but the cruisers were there for almost two hours.
We are not sure whether arrests were made, or if anything came of it--but the cruisers were there for almost two hours.
Not as bad as it's ever been, certainly, but pretty bad--a group down at 236 with three cars presently double-parked (suggesting drug activity, since people come out to "meet" the cars) and then a group down at 222 playing poker or another card game and smoking blunts in the middle of the sidewalk (the smell is unmistakable). Calls to the 76 are answered, but there's still a group in front of 213, while the other group dispersed, got in a car and drunkenly drove away, running a red light... Drunkenly. Running. A. Red. Light.
Here, a pick of the cars double-parked:

And the poker game:
Here, a pick of the cars double-parked:

And the poker game:

After a relatively quiet Labor Day weekend, the madness continued again last night - possibly a new shipment came in, as there were half a dozen non-residents milling about, everyone out smoking blunts, and cars coming by stopping then driving away, after being "greeted" by one of the non-residents.
In other news, apparently the 76 is too "busy" to add our block to the list of "hot spots" in the neighborhood, at least "until 9/11" - this despite relentless calls, on and off, all summer long, not to mention earlier assurances that something would be done, as early as May.
In other news, apparently the 76 is too "busy" to add our block to the list of "hot spots" in the neighborhood, at least "until 9/11" - this despite relentless calls, on and off, all summer long, not to mention earlier assurances that something would be done, as early as May.
Once again, it seems like a shipment of some kind has come in: the people from Red Hook are here, loitering in front of 2xx with two double-parked cars. Calls to the 76 result in ... well, eventually the crowd dispersed and the rest of the night Friday night and Saturday night involved only minor incidents. There were many photo ops, however -
Nothing illegal here, but the guy with back turned is one of the suspected movers-and-shakers; the other man is a regular resident.
And this, another glassine bag, which wasn't here the last time we looked:

Double-parked, idling cars with booming stereo - all night, different cars....

And a group in front of the idling cars....

Interesting story, too: we were talking with a friend of a friend and it was mentioned that we live on the 200 block of Sackett Street, and this person, who lives in the neighborhood but not on the block, knew all about it - apparently, it's a block with a reputation, a reputation for revelry. According to the friend of a friend, "Yeah, it's a weird block. Noboby ever seems to work, everybody just hangs out all day and night smoking pot on other people's stoops."
Nothing illegal here, but the guy with back turned is one of the suspected movers-and-shakers; the other man is a regular resident.
And this, another glassine bag, which wasn't here the last time we looked:

Double-parked, idling cars with booming stereo - all night, different cars....

And a group in front of the idling cars....

Interesting story, too: we were talking with a friend of a friend and it was mentioned that we live on the 200 block of Sackett Street, and this person, who lives in the neighborhood but not on the block, knew all about it - apparently, it's a block with a reputation, a reputation for revelry. According to the friend of a friend, "Yeah, it's a weird block. Noboby ever seems to work, everybody just hangs out all day and night smoking pot on other people's stoops."
A crazy, crazy night on the 200 block of Sackett Street - and all calls to the 76 were either not responded to or responded to but to no end: we didn't see any PD presence, and didn't see anyone stop by, but were told cruisers would be sent.
It started with a gang in front of 2xx, the usuals but also a few others, the one girl who always seems to draw the hoods from Red Hook (or elsewhere), and continued into the night with more coming and going, and cars - half a dozen of them, by our count - coming by and double-parking.
Then, the real party started: two of the (we've surmised) main drug dealers came by in matching minivans and were hanging out with the one dealer on our block who rumor has it is moving and - and over the course of the night, they ended up opening up the back of the minivan and pouring whisky shots from a cooler in back, then drinking them in clear plastic cups on the sidewalk in front of 22x and 22x. Calls to the 76 resulted, of course, but despite giving license plate info and specific details and descriptions of both the offenders and the vehicles, we were told a PD cruiser stopped by but "no illegal activity occurred." We asked that they return, and check out the minivan and/or smell the breath of the drunken dealers. Well, hours later these by now drunk dealers drove off into the night.
It started with a gang in front of 2xx, the usuals but also a few others, the one girl who always seems to draw the hoods from Red Hook (or elsewhere), and continued into the night with more coming and going, and cars - half a dozen of them, by our count - coming by and double-parking.
Then, the real party started: two of the (we've surmised) main drug dealers came by in matching minivans and were hanging out with the one dealer on our block who rumor has it is moving and - and over the course of the night, they ended up opening up the back of the minivan and pouring whisky shots from a cooler in back, then drinking them in clear plastic cups on the sidewalk in front of 22x and 22x. Calls to the 76 resulted, of course, but despite giving license plate info and specific details and descriptions of both the offenders and the vehicles, we were told a PD cruiser stopped by but "no illegal activity occurred." We asked that they return, and check out the minivan and/or smell the breath of the drunken dealers. Well, hours later these by now drunk dealers drove off into the night.
We spoke with the 76 the other day, and were assured there'd be runs and more surveillance; we have noticed there's less activity, but also that persistent offender who beat up the young girl the other week has been out on other stoops not her own, though not long enough to warrant calling it in.
And there have been double-parked cars and, last night, this creepy van sitting outside for almost an hour (why is it that every time we see one of the offenders in a car, they are in different cars?):
And there have been double-parked cars and, last night, this creepy van sitting outside for almost an hour (why is it that every time we see one of the offenders in a car, they are in different cars?):

Today, as it happens, warrants two posts (and a call to the Councilwoman and the local Community Board tomorrow).
So, we were out and about and walked past 2xx, where the local ruffians were gathered, not smoking blunts at the time but since that is what normally goes on you can put two and two together, when a resident of 2xx came up and double-parked her car while she unloaded luggage after, it seemed, a weekend away, and she asked the hoodlums to move and one of the stoopers, the girl who threw things at us once upon a time, the one who has screamed at people randomly, who does live at 2xx also, started screaming at the woman who'd asked them to move.
The screaming continued for over twenty minutes, and an NYPD cruiser passed by but the lady who'd asked them to move had moved inside, and the cruiser just passed by.
We called again to complain that at least they should have gotten out of the car and assessed the situation, and perhaps ask those who do NOT live at 2xx to move, and after a circuitous conversation we talked to a Supervisor and she said she'd send another car over. To their credit, this is exactly what happened, but as of now the stoopers who violently yelled at the resident are still out there, passing marijuana cigarettes.
So, we were out and about and walked past 2xx, where the local ruffians were gathered, not smoking blunts at the time but since that is what normally goes on you can put two and two together, when a resident of 2xx came up and double-parked her car while she unloaded luggage after, it seemed, a weekend away, and she asked the hoodlums to move and one of the stoopers, the girl who threw things at us once upon a time, the one who has screamed at people randomly, who does live at 2xx also, started screaming at the woman who'd asked them to move.
The screaming continued for over twenty minutes, and an NYPD cruiser passed by but the lady who'd asked them to move had moved inside, and the cruiser just passed by.
We called again to complain that at least they should have gotten out of the car and assessed the situation, and perhaps ask those who do NOT live at 2xx to move, and after a circuitous conversation we talked to a Supervisor and she said she'd send another car over. To their credit, this is exactly what happened, but as of now the stoopers who violently yelled at the resident are still out there, passing marijuana cigarettes.

We had a nice and relatively quiet Fri night on the 200 block of Sackett, though this morning we woke to this site off to the side of our stoop: a glasine bag, which is commonly known to contain marijuana and/or cocaine. Judging by the size of this bag, it looks like a coke bag to us:
So, it seems that the sting operation never existed, or if it did, wasn't very successful.
Last night, we sat on our stoop observing what a typical weekday night is like on the 200 block of Sackett Street. Well, the big drug dealers, the people in charge, were hanging out - e.g., loitering - on the 2xx stoop all night, and a number of cars stopped in our block and people got out, hands were shook, that's it, then the drivers of the cars took off. Hmm, looked like drug deals to us.
What a day! We saw the girl who beat up the her friend's thirteen- or fourteen-year-old sister, the one who wasn't arrested, milling around - improbably - taking care of a toddler.
Again, at approximately 8 pm we hear this savage screaming midway through our night-in of R&R only to look and see the same half-dozen screaming kids and their gangsta caretakers crowding our stoop.

It seems a shipment just came in.
Again, at approximately 8 pm we hear this savage screaming midway through our night-in of R&R only to look and see the same half-dozen screaming kids and their gangsta caretakers crowding our stoop.

It seems a shipment just came in.
Either we stepped into a time traveling machine of some kind or the good ol' times on Sackett Street are back, with a vengeance. We returned home after a long week only to find half a dozen screaming kids and their gangsta caretakers crowding our stoop. Too tired to ask them to move, and confused, frankly, as to where they came from - and since this hasn't been that big an issue in a while - we just went inside. They were there for hours, and when we returned from dinner we asked them to move and they did, without a scene. However, the block by then was alit with at least four double-parked cars of suspicious circumstance - very expensive, brand new, no-plates, driven by gangstas wearing diapers, otherwise known as low-slung jeans - and the normal drug dealers, both the one at 2xx and at 2xx, out and "meeting" the cars. We were about to call the 76 precinct when it thunderstormed; checked in later and a few were out, but nothing warranting any calls.
Well, this is why we have been so adamant about some of the problems on our block, even when they have not been life-threatening.
Last night, K. - she should be named - one of the regular girls who is always smoking pot and drinking out in public, on our stoop and others' stoops - and the one who harrassed our friends - well, she finally snapped. She attacked the younger sister of another resident of our street, and four cop cars, one van, showed up, their mothers were getting into it, there was screaming and shouting... but, unbelievably, K. wasn't arrested in the end.
Why? We called the 76 to inquire, but were given the runaround.
If anyone is reading this, please be careful walking down the 200 block of Sackett Street.
Last night, K. - she should be named - one of the regular girls who is always smoking pot and drinking out in public, on our stoop and others' stoops - and the one who harrassed our friends - well, she finally snapped. She attacked the younger sister of another resident of our street, and four cop cars, one van, showed up, their mothers were getting into it, there was screaming and shouting... but, unbelievably, K. wasn't arrested in the end.
Why? We called the 76 to inquire, but were given the runaround.
If anyone is reading this, please be careful walking down the 200 block of Sackett Street.
7.26.07 - 7.30.07
About 8 or so locals hanging out in the doorway and on the stoop of 2xx, the pungent odor of marijuana smellable even down the block but almost dizzying as we passed by around 10:30 pm. Also, horns - the kind you get at Toys r Us and attach to a bike - were blared on and off all night. Had it not been for the quiet rattle of the A/C, we would have been up all night.
Bottom line... They've been hiding, but they're still here. And they're still breaking the law.
Bottom line... They've been hiding, but they're still here. And they're still breaking the law.
Is this a sign of things to come, or something else?
Last night, we were enjoying our new favorite TV show when we heard screaming from outside, and so we look out and there's seven or eight disorderly youth in front of and on the stoop of 2xx, including two who are familiar from other infractions. Seconds later, a lowrider, red with black hood, we've seen before, pulls up, double-parks and two get out. Clearly they pass back and forth a blunt. At one point the spazzy girl throws a bottle at one of the others.
Last night, we were enjoying our new favorite TV show when we heard screaming from outside, and so we look out and there's seven or eight disorderly youth in front of and on the stoop of 2xx, including two who are familiar from other infractions. Seconds later, a lowrider, red with black hood, we've seen before, pulls up, double-parks and two get out. Clearly they pass back and forth a blunt. At one point the spazzy girl throws a bottle at one of the others.
So we decided to sit on our own stoop and see what really goes down, on the street level.
In front of 2xx, two of the four normal offenders were loitering and massing back and forth a marijuana cigarette, while a neighbor - the one who continually sexually harasses any woman who walks by - stopped to chat and puff and a third, equipped with his rottweiner, also joined the festivities.
Meanwhile, the usual hanging out at 2xx and cars coming by and stopping, then peeling rubber. A deal?
No police presence, at all.
In front of 2xx, two of the four normal offenders were loitering and massing back and forth a marijuana cigarette, while a neighbor - the one who continually sexually harasses any woman who walks by - stopped to chat and puff and a third, equipped with his rottweiner, also joined the festivities.
Meanwhile, the usual hanging out at 2xx and cars coming by and stopping, then peeling rubber. A deal?
No police presence, at all.
Once again, 2xx was bustling with the regulars drinking open containers outside. And our neighbor decided to have a picnic smoke-a-thon on our steps, not his.
In other news:
Judge dismisses noisy kids lawsuitFeud on Long Island went all the way to court
Eyewitness News
(New York- WABC, June 20, 2007) - The case of a Long Island couple ordered to keep their young daughters quiet was dismissed on Wednesday night.
William and Rachel Poczatek, who live in the village of Bayville, were hit with a notice of violation after neighbors complained about the couple's daughters, aged 5 and 11, who they said played too loudly around the family's backyard pool.
But in court on Wednesday night, the judge dismissed the charges against the parents, according to Andrew Campanelli, an attorney for the parents. The courtroom was filled with people who supported the family and cheered as the judge read the decision, Campanelli said.
"I think the village did the right thing," William Poczatek told reporters after the brief court proceeding.
The Poczateks were cleared because the village ordinance they were accused of violating is usually reserved for "the shouting and crying of peddlers, hawkers and vendors, which disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood," their attorney said.
"The statute didn't apply," insisted attorney Andrew Campanelli, who got no argument from the judge or prosecutor.
The couple now wants to get videotapes their neighbor, Mark Kostakis, made of their children. Kostakis had said he recorded the the kids last month as evidence.
"This is it for me," he said. "I don't work 12 hours a day to come home and listen to this...." Kostakis said.
Last week, the family held a party for their 11-year-old daughter and her friends. The next day, they received a summons to appear in court.
Rachel Poczatek, 43, said she didn't know how to solve the problem. "Should I muzzle my children? ... They're not cursing, they're not destroying his property, they're just simply being kids playing in the pool," she adds.
After leaving the courtroom with his family, Poczatek did offer a conciliatory message: "Yes, we will try to keep them quieter." That test begins Thursday, the first day of summer.
(Copyright 2007 WABC-TV)
In other news:
Judge dismisses noisy kids lawsuitFeud on Long Island went all the way to court
Eyewitness News
(New York- WABC, June 20, 2007) - The case of a Long Island couple ordered to keep their young daughters quiet was dismissed on Wednesday night.
William and Rachel Poczatek, who live in the village of Bayville, were hit with a notice of violation after neighbors complained about the couple's daughters, aged 5 and 11, who they said played too loudly around the family's backyard pool.
But in court on Wednesday night, the judge dismissed the charges against the parents, according to Andrew Campanelli, an attorney for the parents. The courtroom was filled with people who supported the family and cheered as the judge read the decision, Campanelli said.
"I think the village did the right thing," William Poczatek told reporters after the brief court proceeding.
The Poczateks were cleared because the village ordinance they were accused of violating is usually reserved for "the shouting and crying of peddlers, hawkers and vendors, which disturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood," their attorney said.
"The statute didn't apply," insisted attorney Andrew Campanelli, who got no argument from the judge or prosecutor.
The couple now wants to get videotapes their neighbor, Mark Kostakis, made of their children. Kostakis had said he recorded the the kids last month as evidence.
"This is it for me," he said. "I don't work 12 hours a day to come home and listen to this...." Kostakis said.
Last week, the family held a party for their 11-year-old daughter and her friends. The next day, they received a summons to appear in court.
Rachel Poczatek, 43, said she didn't know how to solve the problem. "Should I muzzle my children? ... They're not cursing, they're not destroying his property, they're just simply being kids playing in the pool," she adds.
After leaving the courtroom with his family, Poczatek did offer a conciliatory message: "Yes, we will try to keep them quieter." That test begins Thursday, the first day of summer.
(Copyright 2007 WABC-TV)
More police protection? Quicker response times?
Not on the 200 block of Sackett Street. Last night, 2xx was a virtual campground - they set up chairs, drank from open containers openly, and passed "cigarettes" around. More than once, a car pulled up, double-blinkers blinking, and conversation - and a transaction of some kind - was made.
Not on the 200 block of Sackett Street. Last night, 2xx was a virtual campground - they set up chairs, drank from open containers openly, and passed "cigarettes" around. More than once, a car pulled up, double-blinkers blinking, and conversation - and a transaction of some kind - was made.
Ah, they're back: K. and D. and the new boyfriend passing a joint.
Weird thing: we call about this, only to have the offenders move momentarily; call again, and again they move, right after getting off the phone. A leak of some kind at the PD? perhaps...
Weird thing: we call about this, only to have the offenders move momentarily; call again, and again they move, right after getting off the phone. A leak of some kind at the PD? perhaps...
Spoke with someone at the 76, who had gotten our number from our supposedly anonymous calls to 311. In any case, apparently this fellow had received calls from others as well and was aware of the problems on the 200 block of Sackett Street, in good old Brooklyn, New York. However, he didn't think it was that bad, and even said, "I drive down there and never see anything." Still, it was promised there would be more police patrol and even perhaps some undercover sting work, depending on what summonses have been given over here and whether there have been other narc complaints.
So, we're skeptical this will actually work, but we'll see...
So, we're skeptical this will actually work, but we'll see...
The usual suspects, D and her friend, at 2xx for over an hour, passing blunts and talking to cars that drive up and double-park, likely a deal of some kind, by the looks of it. At the same time across the street at 2xx, business as usual: loud, out-of-control talking, inebriated sounding and desperate, and the recognizable wafts of marijuana.
213 was off the hook: eight, maybe a dozen people, more than half of them unfamiliar looking, a/k/a from Red Hook here for a deal or a dame, standing around drinking from open containers and passing reefer.
The NYPD responded quick, and effectively--one of the offenders was summonsed, while the others dispersed. Unfortunately, the ones who live around here weren't ticketed ... so therefore the problem will probably continue ... and they just went down the block to 236 for the rest of the night into the morning.
The NYPD responded quick, and effectively--one of the offenders was summonsed, while the others dispersed. Unfortunately, the ones who live around here weren't ticketed ... so therefore the problem will probably continue ... and they just went down the block to 236 for the rest of the night into the morning.
The three hoodrats - D, D's sister and the other, lives around the block - were on the steps of 227 (none of them live there), passing a blunt back and forth from about 5 pm till about 8 pm. Not moving when the people who did live, and pay rent, there came home.
Memorial Day Weekend started as expected, with two guys, unfamiliar-looking, strolling down Sackett while openly rolling a joint. Even saw the green buds of the marijuana. To top it off, they were followed by a woman pushing a baby. Then, K and D smoked joint after joint at 2xx, before disperssing.
It was like old times out on Sackett Street last night, at least for a while.
The night started quiet and calm, then next thing you know there were 12, maybe more, loiterers on at least three residences with people drinking open containers in brown bags and others who haven't been around, suggesting possibly a shipment of some kind had come in, as marijuana cigarettes were passed back and forth.
The night started quiet and calm, then next thing you know there were 12, maybe more, loiterers on at least three residences with people drinking open containers in brown bags and others who haven't been around, suggesting possibly a shipment of some kind had come in, as marijuana cigarettes were passed back and forth.
This morning, bright and early, wake to the screams and sounds of ... the only thing that came to mind was someone killing someone else. That's how bad it was. About to call it in when it stops.
Later, leaving, see four cop cars double-parked down the block. Wonder what happened. Haven't heard anything.
Later, leaving, see four cop cars double-parked down the block. Wonder what happened. Haven't heard anything.
Weekend Update - 5.12.07
Sunday night, old-style craziness ensues over at 2xx, yet again. 13 people drinking, including all the local drug dealers... and cars stopping quite a bit, suggesting a new shipment arrived.
Calls to the 76 were swiftly answered, but nobody moved so we had to call again ... and again ... and finally the cop car waited there while the fiesta dispersed. Called again to ask why the officers didn't leave the car to issue summonses, not only because of apparent marijuana smoke but also open drinking. Was told it was at the officers' discretion and even if drinking was seen it wouldn't warrant a summons. (What!?!?!?) This, it seems, will be going on all summer.
Only in Crooklyn....
Calls to the 76 were swiftly answered, but nobody moved so we had to call again ... and again ... and finally the cop car waited there while the fiesta dispersed. Called again to ask why the officers didn't leave the car to issue summonses, not only because of apparent marijuana smoke but also open drinking. Was told it was at the officers' discretion and even if drinking was seen it wouldn't warrant a summons. (What!?!?!?) This, it seems, will be going on all summer.
Only in Crooklyn....
Came home, after a long, long day, to find the usual crew hanging out while motorcylces rev and rev (cycles, by the way, which are never ticketed on alt-side parking days) gawking at what was going on across the street: a van double-parked and two humongous undercover cops, looking straight out of "The Shield," bullet-proof flack jackets and everything, going in and out of a building across the street. When they come out, the usual crew kind of walk away and pretend they're talking on their cell phones and whatnot, then when the Shield cops go back in they're right back at it, gawking and dealing.
Weekend Update! 5/4/07 - 5/6/07
Relatively, a quiet weekend, though Saturday morning, bright and early, marijuana smoke wafted into the apartment from the kids rolling two-plus joints out in the open, kids walking by and everything. Decided not to call, as odds were nothing would happen and they were gone within the hour.
Didn't sit on our stoop, but they were out down the block. Snickers and snarks as we passed by, but I doubt their brain cells were still functioning after the major reefage earlier in the morning.
Sat on our own stoop a bit every day, so maybe that sets a precedent. Then again, maybe they were terrorizing someone else's block ... or saving up for next weekend.
Didn't sit on our stoop, but they were out down the block. Snickers and snarks as we passed by, but I doubt their brain cells were still functioning after the major reefage earlier in the morning.
Sat on our own stoop a bit every day, so maybe that sets a precedent. Then again, maybe they were terrorizing someone else's block ... or saving up for next weekend.
Pretty quiet all day. Didn't have to ask anyone to get off the stoop; however at night six to eight people huddled across street, watched numerous joints being rolled and passed around. Numerous cars suspiciously double-parked at hydrant down the block.
Saw at least 4 NYPD units drive past; not stopping.
Saw at least 4 NYPD units drive past; not stopping.
Sackett Street Stoopers: Blog Purpose
This is a blog to log the problems that have been persisting, for at least the past decade, on the 200 block of Sackett Street, in Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Every year, especially in warm months, certain youths - hereafter referred to as "stoopers" - invade the 200 block of Sackett Street, hanging out on the stoops of buildings they do not, any of them, live in, rolling blunts, drinking from open containers, blocking passage and creating massive Quality of Life issues for the tax-paying lawful residents of the 200 block of Sackett Street. Sometimes, the stoopers harass or intimidate or in some cases assault the residents of this block. Drugs are dealt openly, cars pull and up and deals are made, and, as the summer slides on, it only gets worse.
Now, these stoopers - most of them - are repeat offenders who live on the block and whose parents, though aware of the problem, don't give a shit or maybe they have no say. Since the problem is persistent, and the offenders the same, the purpose of this blog is to chart complaints made to the police, to 311, and any and all incidents involving the stoopers in the hopes that, perhaps with a bit of publicity or noteriety, something will be done by somebody.
Sure, calls are made to the police and sometimes they respond, but more than once we have been hung up on or ignored or maybe they come and tell the stoopers to disperse but then they either don't or they come right back. (One officer even said that since smoking pot or drinking from open containers is merely a misdemeanor, hey, no cop in his/her right mind is going to waste valuable time writing a ticket and following up going to court - which is NOT why the tax-payers of the borough of Brooklyn pay cops' salaries, it need not be pointed out.) Since much of the activity is illegal, and hazardous not only to the residents of the block but the entire neighborhood, something, finally, needs to be done about this.
So, fellow residents, please, feel free to leave your frustrations, annoyances, and most importantly any and all incidents you know about.
Every year, especially in warm months, certain youths - hereafter referred to as "stoopers" - invade the 200 block of Sackett Street, hanging out on the stoops of buildings they do not, any of them, live in, rolling blunts, drinking from open containers, blocking passage and creating massive Quality of Life issues for the tax-paying lawful residents of the 200 block of Sackett Street. Sometimes, the stoopers harass or intimidate or in some cases assault the residents of this block. Drugs are dealt openly, cars pull and up and deals are made, and, as the summer slides on, it only gets worse.
Now, these stoopers - most of them - are repeat offenders who live on the block and whose parents, though aware of the problem, don't give a shit or maybe they have no say. Since the problem is persistent, and the offenders the same, the purpose of this blog is to chart complaints made to the police, to 311, and any and all incidents involving the stoopers in the hopes that, perhaps with a bit of publicity or noteriety, something will be done by somebody.
Sure, calls are made to the police and sometimes they respond, but more than once we have been hung up on or ignored or maybe they come and tell the stoopers to disperse but then they either don't or they come right back. (One officer even said that since smoking pot or drinking from open containers is merely a misdemeanor, hey, no cop in his/her right mind is going to waste valuable time writing a ticket and following up going to court - which is NOT why the tax-payers of the borough of Brooklyn pay cops' salaries, it need not be pointed out.) Since much of the activity is illegal, and hazardous not only to the residents of the block but the entire neighborhood, something, finally, needs to be done about this.
So, fellow residents, please, feel free to leave your frustrations, annoyances, and most importantly any and all incidents you know about.
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