

A crazy, crazy night on the 200 block of Sackett Street - and all calls to the 76 were either not responded to or responded to but to no end: we didn't see any PD presence, and didn't see anyone stop by, but were told cruisers would be sent.

It started with a gang in front of 2xx, the usuals but also a few others, the one girl who always seems to draw the hoods from Red Hook (or elsewhere), and continued into the night with more coming and going, and cars - half a dozen of them, by our count - coming by and double-parking.

Then, the real party started: two of the (we've surmised) main drug dealers came by in matching minivans and were hanging out with the one dealer on our block who rumor has it is moving and - and over the course of the night, they ended up opening up the back of the minivan and pouring whisky shots from a cooler in back, then drinking them in clear plastic cups on the sidewalk in front of 22x and 22x. Calls to the 76 resulted, of course, but despite giving license plate info and specific details and descriptions of both the offenders and the vehicles, we were told a PD cruiser stopped by but "no illegal activity occurred." We asked that they return, and check out the minivan and/or smell the breath of the drunken dealers. Well, hours later these by now drunk dealers drove off into the night.